Friday, September 19, 2014

EEHOA 2015 Tentative Improvements

-Continue leveling of cement steps 
-Repair, caulk, paint as many buildings as budget allows
-Repalce front rails on units 25-28
-Remove back wood deck unit 25
-Trim/remove trees that are considered destructive to
the buildings foundations/siding and roofs
-Continue to plant trees/shrubs on HOA property

EEHOA 2014 Improvements

-Repair of soffit and eaves for 31 units
-Repair/replace/paint all front wood rails/steps on units 
rated 6's and 5's on 1-9 (9 being worst) repair scale
-All front wood rails/steps are now rated a 4 or better
-Repair/paint back wood decks for units 127-134
-Leveled cement steps and landings on 15 units
-Painted all wood rails back and front rated 4 or better
-Repair/paint Association Fence
-Planted trees and bushes along Association Fence
-Notified satellite TV companies Dish and Direct to place
all future dish installations on poles/stands only NOT on decks/rails or houses
-Replace/repair gutters on 4 units
-Garbage cans stones/steps to aid cans staying in place and to help children reach the cans 
-Repair/replace outside spigots on 4 units
-Install 14 HOA water meters
-Repair city water line leak 
-Trim vegetation/trees 

EEHOA 2013 Improvements

-Repair/replace/paint all front wood rails rated 9-8-7's on 1-9 (9 being worst) repair scale
-Repair window wells
-Replace 2 roofs bldgs 147-152 & 21-24
-Soffet/eaves repair
-Remove 2 destructive trees per owner's requests
-Repair cement steps unit 925
-Reduce HOA building insurance premium by discovering
overbilling of one building